Ryan R. Logan AAI, CRIS
Julie DelleChiaie CIC, CRIS
Managing Director
Chris Jones
Shamus Peck
Kim O'shaughnessy, ARM
Commercial Lines
Judy Wehrlin CPCU, LIA, CRIS, CCCP
Commercial Lines
Anna Kristant
Commercial Lines Assistant
Maria Eaton
Commercial Lines
Lori Palmer, CISR
Commercial Lines
Kara Latham, AAI-M, SBCS
Commercial Lines
Maria Seipold
Commercial Lines Assistant
Commercial Lines Account Manager
Kim Smith CIC, CISR
Personal Lines
Meredith Davitt, CISR
Personal Lines
Katie Savage, CISR Elite
Personal Lines
Angela Tarr, CIC, CISR
Personal Lines
Jill Thomas, CISR
Personal Lines
Sue Schroder, CISR-Elite
Personal Lines
Charles Denault
Personal Lines
Personal Lines
Personal Lines Account Manager
Personal Lines Account Manager
Jillian Crowley
Sara Jones
Gianna DelleChiaie
Administrative Assistant
5 Whittier Street, #4
Framingham, MA 01701
Phone: 508-656-1400
29 Main Street
Leominster, MA 01453
Phone: 978-343-6946
This material is for informational purposes only. All statements herein are subject to the provisions, exclusions and conditions of the applicable policy, state and federal laws. For an actual description of coverage, terms and conditions, please refer to the applicable insurance policy or check with your insurance professional. The illustrations, instructions and principles contained in the material are general in scope and, to the best of our knowledge, current at the time of publication.